How to Create a Detached PKCS #7 Signature in Dart: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Tirone -

How to Create a Detached PKCS #7 Signature in Dart: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of scratching your head over digital signatures in Dart? Do you want to learn how to create a detached PKCS #7 signature like a pro? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of creating a detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart. By the end of this article, you’ll be a master of digital signatures and ready to tackle even the most complex projects.

What is a Detached PKCS #7 Signature?

A detached PKCS #7 signature is a digital signature that is separate from the actual data being signed. This means that the signature is stored in a separate file or data structure, rather than being embedded within the data itself. This approach has several advantages, including flexibility, scalability, and improved security.

Why Use a Detached PKCS #7 Signature in Dart?

There are several reasons why you might want to use a detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart:

  • Flexibility**: A detached signature allows you to sign data of any size or format, without having to modify the original data.
  • Scalability**: Detached signatures are particularly useful when working with large datasets, as they allow you to sign the data in chunks, rather than all at once.
  • Security**: By separating the signature from the data, you can improve the overall security of your application, as the signature can be verified independently of the data.


Before we dive into the code, make sure you have the following:

  • The pointycastle library installed in your Dart project ( pub global activate pointycastle)
  • A basic understanding of cryptography and digital signatures
  • A willingness to learn and have fun!

Step 1: Generating a Private Key

The first step in creating a detached PKCS #7 signature is to generate a private key. In this example, we’ll use the RSA algorithm to generate a 2048-bit private key:

import 'package:pointycastle/api.dart';
import 'package:pointycastle/random/random_bytes.dart';

void main() {
  // Generate a random secure random number
  SecureRandom secureRandom = SecureRandom("FortunaPRNG");

  // Initialize the RSA key generator
  RsaKeyGenerator rsaKeyGenerator = RsaKeyGenerator();

  // Generate the private key
  AsymmetricKeyPair keyPair = rsaKeyGenerator.generateKey(
    keySize: 2048,

  // Extract the private key
  RSAPrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.privateKey;

Step 2: Hashing the Data

Next, we need to hash the data that we want to sign. In this example, we’ll use the SHA-256 algorithm to hash a sample string:

import 'package:pointycastle/digests/sha256.dart';

void main() {
  // Define the data to be signed
  String data = "Hello, world!";

  // Create a SHA-256 digest
  Digest sha256Digest = SHA256Digest();

  // Hash the data
  Uint8List hash = sha256Digest.process(Uint8List.fromList(data.codeUnits));

Step 3: Creating the PKCS #7 Signature

Now we’re ready to create the PKCS #7 signature. We’ll use the private key generated in step 1 and the hash generated in step 2:

import 'package:pointycastle/pkcs/pkcs7.dart';

void main() {
  // Create a PKCS #7 signature generator
  PKCS7SignatureGenerator signatureGenerator = PKCS7SignatureGenerator();

  // Set the private key and hash
  signatureGenerator.privateKey = privateKey;
  signatureGenerator.hash = hash;

  // Generate the signature
  Uint8List signature = signatureGenerator.generate();

Step 4: Detaching the Signature

Finally, we detach the signature from the data by storing it in a separate file or data structure. In this example, we’ll write the signature to a file:

import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  // Create a file to store the signature
  File signatureFile = File("signature.der");

  // Write the signature to the file
  IOSink sink = signatureFile.openWrite();
  await sink.close();

Verifying the Signature

To verify the signature, we can use the corresponding public key and the original data:

import 'package:pointycastle/pkcs/pkcs7.dart';

void main() {
  // Load the public key
  RSAPublicKey publicKey = ...;

  // Load the original data
  String data = "Hello, world!";

  // Load the detached signature
  Uint8List signature = ...;

  // Create a PKCS #7 signature verifier
  PKCS7SignatureVerifier verifier = PKCS7SignatureVerifier();

  // Set the public key and signature
  verifier.publicKey = publicKey;
  verifier.signature = signature;

  // Verify the signature
  bool isValid = verifier.verify(data.codeUnits);
  print("Signature is valid: $isValid");


And that’s it! You’ve successfully created a detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart. By following these steps, you can ensure the integrity and authenticity of your data in a flexible and scalable way.

Tip Description
Use a secure random number generator When generating private keys, make sure to use a secure random number generator to prevent attacks.
Choose the right key size Select a key size that balances security and performance. In this example, we used 2048-bit keys, but you may want to use larger keys for increased security.
Hash the data correctly Make sure to hash the data correctly, as incorrect hashing can lead to security vulnerabilities.

By following best practices and using the right tools, you can create robust and secure digital signatures in Dart. Remember to always keep your private keys secure and never share them with anyone.

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve mastered detached PKCS #7 signatures in Dart, why not try:

  • Implementing other digital signature algorithms, such as ECDSA or Ed25519
  • Using detached signatures in a real-world application, such as a document signing service
  • Exploring other cryptographic techniques, such as encryption and decryption

The world of cryptography is waiting for you! Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unlock the secrets of creating a detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to get you started.

What is a detached PKCS #7 signature and why do I need it in Dart?

A detached PKCS #7 signature is a digital signature that is separate from the actual data being signed. In Dart, you need it to verify the authenticity and integrity of data, ensuring that it hasn’t been tampered with during transmission. Think of it like a digital fingerprint that confirms the data’s origin and consistency.

What are the prerequisites for creating a detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart?

Before creating a detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart, you’ll need to have the following: a private key (in PEM format), a certificate (in PEM or DER format), and the data to be signed. You’ll also need to add the `pointycastle` package to your `pubspec.yaml` file and import it in your Dart file.

How do I load the private key and certificate in Dart?

To load the private key and certificate in Dart, use the `PrivateKey` and `X509Certificate` classes from the `pointycastle` package. You can load the private key from a PEM file using `PrivateKey.fromPem()`, and load the certificate from a PEM or DER file using `X509Certificate.fromPem()` or `X509Certificate.fromDer()`, respectively.

How do I create a detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart?

To create a detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart, use the `SignedData` class from the `pointycastle` package. Create a new `SignedData` object, specifying the data to be signed, the private key, and the certificate. Then, call the `generate()` method to generate the signature, which will be a detached PKCS #7 signature.

How do I verify the detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart?

To verify the detached PKCS #7 signature in Dart, use the `SignedData` class again. Create a new `SignedData` object, specifying the original data, the signature, and the certificate. Then, call the `verify()` method to verify the signature. If the signature is valid, the method will return `true`; otherwise, it will return `false`.