Solving the Expo EAS Build Error: Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon’ during iOS Build
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Solving the Expo EAS Build Error: Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon’ during iOS Build

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve encountered the frustrating Expo EAS build error: Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon’ during iOS build. Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the solution right here! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the causes of this error, provide clear instructions to fix it, and offer some helpful tips to ensure a smooth iOS build.

What is the Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon’ error?

The ‘Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon” error occurs when the Expo EAS build process encounters duplicate definitions of the ‘ReactCommon’ module. This can happen due to conflicting dependencies, incorrect configuration, or outdated packages.

Symptoms of the error

  • Error message: “Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon'” during the iOS build process
  • Build failure with Expo EAS
  • Inability to generate an IPA file for iOS deployment

Causes of the Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon’ error

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand the possible causes of this error:

1. Duplicate dependencies

In some cases, duplicate dependencies can lead to the redefinition of the ‘ReactCommon’ module. This might occur when you’ve installed multiple versions of React or React-related packages.

2. Incorrect configuration

Misconfigured Expo EAS settings or incorrect React Native versions can also cause the error.

3. Outdated packages

Using outdated packages or versions of React Native, Expo, or other dependencies can lead to compatibility issues and the ‘Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon” error.

Solutions to the Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon’ error

Now that we’ve covered the causes, let’s get to the solutions! Try the following steps to resolve the error:

1. Check for duplicate dependencies

Run the following command to check for duplicate dependencies:

npm ls react

If you find duplicate dependencies, remove them using:

npm uninstall react

Then, reinstall the correct version of React:

npm install react@latest

2. Verify Expo EAS configuration

Ensure that your Expo EAS configuration is correct. Check the following files:

  • expo.json or app.json (depending on your Expo version)
  • ios/Info.plist

Verify that the React Native version and other dependencies are correctly configured.

3. Update outdated packages

Update Expo, React Native, and other dependencies to the latest versions using:

npm install expo-cli@latest
npx expo upgrade

4. Clean and rebuild the project

Delete the node_modules directory and run:

npm install

Then, rebuild your project using:

npx expo build:ios

Troubleshooting tips

If the above solutions don’t resolve the issue, try the following troubleshooting tips:

1. Check the iOS build logs

Examine the build logs to identify the exact error message and point of failure:

npx expo build:ios --verbose

2. Verify Xcode version

Ensure that you’re using a compatible version of Xcode with Expo EAS. You can check the compatible versions in the Expo documentation.

3. Disable and re-enable the metro bundler

Sometimes, disabling and re-enabling the metro bundler can resolve the issue:

npx expo start --no-bundler

Then, re-enable the bundler:

npx expo start


The ‘Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon” error can be frustrating, but with these solutions and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully build your iOS app with Expo EAS. Remember to keep your dependencies up-to-date, configure Expo EAS correctly, and troubleshoot thoroughly to avoid future errors.

Solution Description
Check for duplicate dependencies Remove duplicate dependencies and reinstall the correct version of React.
Verify Expo EAS configuration Ensure correct configuration of Expo EAS settings and React Native versions.
Update outdated packages Update Expo, React Native, and other dependencies to the latest versions.
Clean and rebuild the project Delete the node_modules directory, reinstall dependencies, and rebuild the project.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the ‘Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon” error and successfully building your iOS app with Expo EAS.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the Expo EAS build error? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the “Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon'” error during iOS build.

What causes the “Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon'” error during iOS build?

This error occurs when there are duplicate definitions of the ReactCommon module in your project. This can happen when you have multiple versions of React or React-Native installed, or when you have a mismatch between the React version in your project and the one in the Expo client.

How do I check for duplicate React versions in my project?

You can check for duplicate React versions by running the command `npm ls react` or `yarn ls react` in your project directory. This will show you a list of all installed React versions. Look for any duplicates or mismatched versions.

How do I resolve the “Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon'” error?

To resolve this error, try the following steps: 1) Remove any duplicate React versions from your project. 2) Make sure you’re using the same version of React as the Expo client. 3) Clean and rebuild your project using the command `expo eject` and then `expo build:ios`. 4) If the issue persists, try deleting the `node_modules` directory and running `npm install` or `yarn install` again.

What are the common scenarios that can cause this error?

Some common scenarios that can cause the “Redefinition of module ‘ReactCommon'” error include: 1) Migrating from Expo SDK 39 to SDK 40. 2) Using a custom React version in your project. 3) Having multiple `react-native` versions installed. 4) Using a mismatched version of React-Native in your project.

Is there a way to avoid this error in the future?

Yes, to avoid this error in the future, make sure to keep your project dependencies up-to-date and consistent. Regularly check for updates to React, React-Native, and Expo, and make sure you’re using the same versions throughout your project. Also, avoid using custom React versions or mismatched dependencies.

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