Solving the Nightmare of Slow Performance in Angular Google Maps with Hundreds of Markers
Image by Tirone -

Solving the Nightmare of Slow Performance in Angular Google Maps with Hundreds of Markers

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Are you tired of dealing with sluggish performance in your Angular application when displaying hundreds of markers on Google Maps? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll dive into the causes of slow performance and provide actionable solutions to get your map loading quickly and smoothly, even with hundreds of markers.

Understanding the Causes of Slow Performance

Before we jump into the solutions, it’s essential to understand what’s causing the slow performance in the first place. Here are a few common culprits:

  • Excessive DOM manipulation: When you add hundreds of markers to the map, it can lead to a massive amount of DOM manipulation, causing the browser to slow down.
  • Inefficient marker rendering: If you’re not using the most efficient methods to render markers, it can lead to slow performance and even crashes.
  • Insufficient hardware resources: If the device or browser doesn’t have sufficient resources, it can struggle to handle the load of hundreds of markers.

Optimizing Marker Rendering

One of the most significant performance bottlenecks is the rendering of markers. Here are a few strategies to optimize marker rendering:

1. Use marker clustering

Marker clustering is a technique that groups nearby markers into a single icon, reducing the number of markers on the map. This can significantly improve performance. You can use libraries like angular-google-maps or marker-clusterer-plus to implement marker clustering.

<agm-marker-cluster *ngFor="let marker of markers"
    {{ marker.label }}

2. Use canvas-based markers

Instead of using the default marker icons, you can use canvas-based markers that are more lightweight and efficient. You can use libraries like canvas-marker to implement canvas-based markers.

<agm-marker *ngFor="let marker of markers"
  <canvas-marker [width]="20" [height]="20"></canvas-marker>

3. Limit the number of markers

If you have hundreds of markers, consider limiting the number of markers displayed on the map. You can use techniques like marker filtering or spatial indexing to reduce the number of markers.

<agm-marker *ngFor="let marker of filteredMarkers"

// Filter markers based on a specific condition
this.filteredMarkers = this.markers.filter((marker) => marker.type === 'important');

Optimizing DOM Manipulation

DOM manipulation is another significant performance bottleneck. Here are a few strategies to optimize DOM manipulation:

1. Use Angular’s change detection strategy

By default, Angular uses a change detection strategy that can lead to excessive DOM manipulation. You can optimize change detection by using the OnPush strategy.

<agm-map [changeDetectionStrategy]="ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush">
  <agm-marker *ngFor="let marker of markers"

2. Use shouldComponentUpdate

The shouldComponentUpdate life cycle hook allows you to control when the component should be updated. You can use this hook to optimize DOM manipulation.

<agm-marker *ngFor="let marker of markers"

// Implement shouldComponentUpdate to optimize DOM manipulation
shouldComponentUpdate(next: any, curr: any) {
  return false;

Optimizing Hardware Resources

If you’re dealing with extremely large datasets, you may need to optimize hardware resources to improve performance. Here are a few strategies:

1. Use Web Workers

Web Workers allow you to offload computationally intensive tasks to a separate thread, freeing up the main thread for other tasks. You can use Web Workers to optimize marker rendering and other tasks.

  <agm-marker *ngFor="let marker of markers"

// Implement Web Worker to optimize marker rendering
const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

worker.postMessage({ markers: this.markers });

worker.onmessage = (event) => {
  this.markers =;

2. Use PWA optimization techniques

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) offer several optimization techniques to improve performance on low-end devices. You can use techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, and caching to optimize your Angular application.

  <agm-marker *ngFor="let marker of markers"

// Implement code splitting to optimize performance
import { loadMarkerModule } from './marker.module';

loadMarkerModule().then((markerModule) => {
  this.markers = markerModule.markers;


Solving slow performance in Angular Google Maps with hundreds of markers requires a comprehensive approach. By optimizing marker rendering, DOM manipulation, and hardware resources, you can significantly improve performance and provide a better user experience. Remember to use marker clustering, canvas-based markers, and limiting the number of markers to optimize marker rendering. Use Angular’s change detection strategy, shouldComponentUpdate, and Web Workers to optimize DOM manipulation. Finally, optimize hardware resources by using Web Workers and PWA optimization techniques. With these strategies, you’ll be able to display hundreds of markers on your map without sacrificing performance.

Optimization Technique Description
Marker Clustering Groups nearby markers into a single icon to reduce the number of markers on the map.
Canvas-based Markers Uses lightweight and efficient canvas-based markers instead of default marker icons.
Limiting the Number of Markers Limits the number of markers displayed on the map to reduce DOM manipulation.
Change Detection Strategy Uses Angular’s change detection strategy to optimize DOM manipulation.
shouldComponentUpdate Allows you to control when the component should be updated to optimize DOM manipulation.
Web Workers Offloads computationally intensive tasks to a separate thread to free up the main thread.
PWA Optimization Techniques Uses techniques like code splitting, lazy loading, and caching to optimize performance on low-end devices.

By following these optimization techniques, you’ll be able to solve the nightmare of slow performance in Angular Google Maps with hundreds of markers and provide a seamless user experience.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “I get extremely slow performance in Angular Google Maps when I have to load hundreds of markers”:

Frequently Asked Question

Need help with optimizing your Angular Google Maps performance? Here are some answers to your burning questions!

Why does my Angular Google Maps take forever to load when I have hundreds of markers?

This is because the Google Maps API is not designed to handle large amounts of data at once. When you load hundreds of markers, it can cause performance issues, such as slow loading times, freezing, and even crashes. This is especially true if you’re using older browsers or devices with limited resources.

How can I improve the performance of my Angular Google Maps when loading hundreds of markers?

One way to improve performance is to use clustering. Clustering groups nearby markers into clusters, reducing the number of markers that need to be rendered on the map. This can significantly improve performance, especially when dealing with large datasets. You can also try using marker batching, which loads markers in batches, reducing the load on the browser.

What are some other optimization techniques I can use to improve Angular Google Maps performance?

In addition to clustering and marker batching, you can also use techniques like lazy loading, where markers are only loaded when they come into view, and marker filtering, where markers are filtered based on certain criteria, reducing the number of markers that need to be rendered. You can also optimize your map settings, such as reducing the zoom level or disabling certain features, to improve performance.

Can I use a third-party library to improve Angular Google Maps performance?

Yes, there are several third-party libraries available that can help improve Angular Google Maps performance. For example, libraries like angular-google-maps-utils and ng-maps provide additional features and optimization techniques, such as marker clustering and caching, that can help improve performance. You can also use libraries like dataview, which provides data visualization and clustering capabilities.

How can I troubleshoot performance issues in Angular Google Maps?

To troubleshoot performance issues, you can use the Chrome DevTools to profile your application and identify bottlenecks. You can also use the Google Maps API’s built-in debugging tools, such as the Maps JavaScript API’s debug mode, to identify issues. Additionally, you can try reducing the number of markers, disabling certain features, or using a different map type to see if performance improves.