Specifying Minimum Version in a Swift Package: A Platform-Specific Conundrum
Image by Tirone - hkhazo.biz.id

Specifying Minimum Version in a Swift Package: A Platform-Specific Conundrum

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As a Swift developer, you’re no stranger to the nuances of Swift Package Manager (SPM). You’ve mastered the art of creating and managing packages, but there’s one issue that has you stumped: specifying a minimum version in a Swift Package for a single platform without compromising compatibility with other platforms. It’s a problem that has plagued developers for ages, and today, we’re going to tackle it head-on.

The Problem Statement

In an ideal world, you’d want to specify a minimum version of your Swift Package for each platform, ensuring that your package is compatible with the latest and greatest (or at least the minimum required) version of the respective platform. However, SPM’s platform-agnostic nature makes it challenging to achieve this level of granularity.

When you specify a minimum version in your `Package.swift` file, it applies universally across all platforms, which might not be what you intend. You might need to support an older version of iOS, for instance, while requiring a newer version of macOS. This is where things get tricky, and you begin to wonder:

“Is there any way to specify a minimum version in a Swift Package just for one platform without overriding the compatibility with other platforms?”

The Short Answer: Yes, There Is!

Luckily, there’s a solution to this problem, albeit a bit convoluted. We’ll explore two approaches to achieve platform-specific minimum version specification: using platform-specific dependencies and leveraging the power of custom Swift versions.

Approach 1: Platform-Specific Dependencies

The first approach involves defining platform-specific dependencies within your `Package.swift` file. You’ll create separate dependencies for each platform, which will allow you to specify different minimum versions for each.

platforms: [

dependencies: [
    .package(name: "MyDependency", platform: .iOS, .v13)... {
        $0.link("MyDependency", .v1_0)
    .package(name: "MyDependency", platform: .macOS, .v10_15)... {
        $0.link("MyDependency", .v1_1)
    .package(name: "MyDependency", platform: .watchOS, .v6)... {
        $0.link("MyDependency", .v1_2)

In this example, we’ve defined separate dependencies for iOS, macOS, and watchOS, each with their respective minimum versions and corresponding library versions. This approach works, but it can become cumbersome when dealing with multiple platforms and dependencies.

Approach 2: Custom Swift Versions

The second approach takes advantage of custom Swift versions to specify platform-specific minimum versions. You’ll create a custom Swift version for each platform and use it to define the minimum version requirement.

swiftLanguageVersions: [
    .version("mySwiftVersionForiOS", .v5),
    .version("mySwiftVersionForMacOS", .v5),
    .version("mySwiftVersionForWatchOS", .v5)

platforms: [
    .iOS(.v13, [".swift-version": "mySwiftVersionForiOS"]),
    .macOS(.v10_15, [".swift-version": "mySwiftVersionForMacOS"]),
    .watchOS(.v6, [".swift-version": "mySwiftVersionForWatchOS"])

dependencies: [
    .package(name: "MyDependency", .ios)... {
        $0.swiftVersion = Version("mySwiftVersionForiOS")
    .package(name: "MyDependency", .macOS)... {
        $0.swiftVersion = Version("mySwiftVersionForMacOS")
    .package(name: "MyDependency", .watchOS)... {
        $0.swiftVersion = Version("mySwiftVersionForWatchOS")

In this example, we’ve defined custom Swift versions for each platform and used them to specify the minimum version requirement for each platform. This approach provides more flexibility and is easier to manage than the first approach.

Best Practices and Considerations

When specifying platform-specific minimum versions, keep the following best practices and considerations in mind:

  • Keep it consistent: Ensure that you’re using the same approach across all platforms and dependencies to avoid confusion and maintain consistency.
  • Document it: Clearly document your approach in your `README.md` file or in the `Package.swift` file itself to avoid confusion for other developers.
  • Test thoroughly: Thoroughly test your package on each platform to ensure that the specified minimum versions are correctly applied.
  • Keep it up-to-date: Regularly update your package to ensure that it remains compatible with the latest versions of each platform.


Specifying a minimum version in a Swift Package for a single platform without compromising compatibility with other platforms is indeed possible. By leveraging platform-specific dependencies or custom Swift versions, you can achieve the desired level of granularity and ensure that your package remains compatible with the latest versions of each platform.

Remember to follow best practices, keep your approach consistent, and thoroughly test your package to avoid any potential issues. With these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and platform-agnostic Swift Packages that delight users across the ecosystem.

Approach Description Pros Cons
Platform-Specific Dependencies Define separate dependencies for each platform Easy to implement, flexible Can become cumbersome with multiple platforms and dependencies
Custom Swift Versions Use custom Swift versions to specify platform-specific minimum versions More flexible, easier to manage Requires additional setup, may require more effort for complex scenarios

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Swift Package Manager with ease!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on specifying a minimum version in a Swift Package for one platform without overriding compatibility with other platforms!

Can I specify a minimum version for a Swift Package on a single platform without affecting other platforms?

Yes, you can! In your Swift Package’s `Package.swift` file, you can use the `platforms` section to specify a minimum version for a specific platform. For example, to specify a minimum version of iOS 14, you can add the following code:
platforms: [
This will set the minimum version for iOS to 14, without affecting other platforms.

What if I want to specify different minimum versions for different platforms?

No problem! You can specify different minimum versions for different platforms by adding multiple `platforms` sections. For example:
platforms: [
This will set the minimum versions for iOS to 14, macOS to 10.15, and watchOS to 7, respectively.

Will this affect the compatibility with other platforms?

No, specifying a minimum version for a specific platform won’t affect the compatibility with other platforms. The Swift Package Manager will ensure that the package is compatible with all specified platforms.

Can I use this method to specify a maximum version for a platform?

No, this method only allows you to specify a minimum version for a platform. If you need to specify a maximum version, you’ll need to use a different approach, such as using a `swift` version constraint.

Is this method compatible with all Swift Package versions?

This method is compatible with Swift Package Manager 5.3 and later. If you’re using an earlier version, you may need to use a different approach.

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